Wow. I cannot believe how much time I have spent away from my blog. I have been pretty busy finishing up all the paperwork for my new school year, finding scholarships, and still on the hunt for a job. During my downtime, I've spent it with Eric, the puppies, and friends. Although I have been away, I was STILL taking pictures of all the chaos. So here are my photograph's of what's been happening lately:
In the summertime, it seems nearly impossible to find outdoor things to do here in the south. So I did some research and found a swamp nearby that had some pretty cool reviews. I know a swamp isn't too exciting, but it was actually really cool. It's something that's very unique to the south and because I grew up in California, I was really excited!
Another exciting thing to happen was getting invited to go to Atlanta. A friend of mine had to make an early drive out there to drop off her brother-in-law at the airport. She invited me to come with her to explore the city for the day. We had so much fun. We were able to check out a world famous diner called Varsity. Then we checked out a historic cemetary, although the summer heat beat us. So we then opted for a nice air conditioned walk inside the Atlanta Aquarium. So much fun.
Aside from the exploring, I also went to my University's school orientation. It was fun, but humerous as I'm a transfer student and everyone else attending were college freshman. They had their parents with them and you could see how some of them were a bit apprehensive, excited, and nervous about this new stage in their life. I never really considered myself an "adult" this day. It made me realize how much I've grown up in the past year. But even so, I'm a little kid at heart ;) I even took a picture with our school mascot. When I went to pick up this photograph, the women told me it had been voted "best picture". I wasn't sure why, but it made laugh. Go Jaguars!
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My new phone case, hence the "glitter" title of this post. It's so pretty and ridiculous! It was only $5 too, how could I resist such a sparkly purchase?
Enjoying an afternoon on our back porch. Kisses
the picture of the jellyfish look so cool. they facinate me and freak me out at the same time lol